This Tribe Digs Up Its Dead And Gives Them Makeovers Before Living With Them

Every culture has their own sacred death rituals, but some are far more frightening than others.

Take the Torajan people, for example. On the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, dead bodies are seen very differently than they are in the States. Corpses aren't actually considered to be dead until a water buffalo is sacrificed to accompany them into the afterlife. It takes years for some families to be able to afford the expensive ceremony, so many keep their loved ones inside their homes until they can.
But even after their deceased relatives are properly buried, some families decide to keep their memory alive by digging the bodies up in a bizarre celebration.

The residents of Toraja proudly display the dead as part of their Ma'nene ritual.

Every year, the villagers dig up their late family members in order to honor them.

The decaying bodies don't spook them at all -- they prefer to see them so they can mourn.

They carefully clean their ancestors to preserve their dignity.

Then the corpses are actually groomed and dressed up.

And the families even pose with them for photos as if they were still alive.

Though they are undeniably creepy, some of the bodies have pleasant looks on their faces like they approve of the ritual.

But others are just terrifying.

These people see all of this as a beautiful process, but it's more than a little disturbing.

Would you ever consider going to a celebration like this? Me neither. I'm all for expressing your culture, but this is way, way too morbid for me.

Watch How A Small Microchip Ended Up Changing This Dog's Life

One of the responsibilities of being a pet owner is making sure that all their medical records and registrations are up to date.

This could be the difference between life and death if your pet were to get lost. For a small fee, you can microchip your pets so that rescuers and veterinarians can scan them and get them back to you should they accidentally escape.
It might not seem like it's worth the extra money, but one microchip changed this dog's whole life.

Driving past an abandoned car, Allison Dunbar noticed a small dog underneath the vehicle, presumably hiding from oncoming traffic on the busy street. Right away, Dunbar knew what she needed to do.

She and her fellow rescuers used food to try and coax the dog out from her hiding spot, but she was frozen in fear.

Thinking the dog might become scared and try running into the street, they decided to put up netting around the car to keep her safely contained.

As the pup became comfortable with her rescuers, she began to interact with them more and more.

Eventually, they were able to get a safety leash around her neck to help guide her out from underneath the vehicle.

In a matter of minutes, our four-legged friend was free.

After using a scanning device to determine if the dog was microchipped, they quickly discovered that she went by the name of Luna. They even tracked down her devastated owner so that they could be together once again!

To watch Luna's heartwarming story and to find out more about the reason why she went missing, check this out.

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